Aunt Florence's Fried Apples
From Holly
This first time I
ever had fried apples was on a cold November morning in the early 50s. We were
visiting my Great-Aunt Florence at her farm in northern Kansas and she fried up
some apples and served them with ham and eggs. Since then old fashioned fried apples have
been a favorite and they always remind me of Aunt Florence and her kitchen. She
always used what apples were handy -- probably apples from the tree behind the
spring house.
Florence's Fried Apples
6 large apples (about
6 cups, sliced)
1/4 cups butter
1/4 cups water
1/3 cups light brown
2 Tbs lemon juice
1 tsp cinnamon
1. Core, peel and
slice apples into thick slices. Place into a medium size skillet with butter and
2. Cook over medium
heat, stirring to prevent sticking. Continue cooking until barely tender.
3. Mix the brown
sugar and cinnamon together. Sprinkle the apples with brown sugar and lemon
juice. Toss and cover the skillet.
Let stand for ten minutes.
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